
Photography & Videography Resources

At many of our Relay For Life events, generous professional or amateur photographers & videographers capture the movement that is Relay For Life. The following resources are available to help tell the story that is Relay.

Photography Goal

Highlight Relay For Life in ways that translate into print, digital, and social executions through photography that represents the movement.

Overall Tone

Aim to capture the feeling of these key elements of Relay:

  • Relay is a part of everyday life.
  • Celebrate
  • Remember
  • Fight Back
  • Fun
  • Community Support
  • Fundraise to Fund the Mission

Shot Set-Up List

Don’t forget to capture these inspirational Relay moments:

  • Relay in everyday life, outside the event itself.
  • Team captain meetings, fundraisers, families gathering to plan their Relay experience.
  • Milestones or other celebrations at or around Relay – weddings, birthdays, family vacations, travel, babies, reunions, etc.

Consider these additional opportunities for great Relay shots:

  • Capture the color: Purple glitter blow or confetti, purple bubbles, bubble machine, purple chalk, color run, Relay logo or purple cancer ribbon painted on faces, Purple/colorful hair, wigs, or team costumes!
  • Colorful shots from around the Relay campsite, including interactive art and team tents.
  • Shots of people holding photos of loved ones or wearing T-shirts, stickers, signs, etc., that say “I Relay For …” or “Relaying For …”
  • Kids wearing Relay shirts jumping in bouncy house.
  • Any Relay events happening outside of the high school or track environment
  • Relay Campus or College events Relay High School events
  • Relay For Life/Gold Together events
  • Photos from the many different types of event fundraisers (e.g., Dollar a Swing challenges, Relay piñatas, etc.)

Submitting Photography

Professionals can submit their photos or videos for consideration in next year’s national Relay For Life materials by signing and returning the release form on page 3 of the shot list.


Photography can be submitted by emailing [email protected].


Our American Cancer Society Marketing & Communication team provides training to volunteer professional photographers and videographers who are planning to capture at Relay For Life events. Submit the below form to be connected to our team.

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