Social Media Assets

Need graphics for your local Social Media pages? There are images, videos, sample messages & stories available for you. Some are ready to use by downloading the image, others can be customized with local photos & messages using Canva.

Campus RFL Fall Fumble Prizes

Grand Prize – Choice of one of three options  RFL Inflatable Chair RFL Inflatable Arch & Dancing Man RFL New Branded Event Enhancement Package (Canopy Tent, 2 Table Covers, Sail


40 Years of Impact – Relay For Life Badge

The “40 Years of Impact” badge celebrates Relay For Life’s legacy and progress toward ending cancer as we know it for everyone. Designed for use on printed and digital materials,


2025 Relay First Lap Social Videos

Join Us: It’s coming! We are celebrating 40 years of Relay together on Saturday, January 11th for #RelayFirstLap. Join Relayers across the globe as we celebrate, remember, and fight back

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