I live in Kingman, Arizona with my spouse, Robin.  I am retired and enjoy my free time traveling to visit with family and friends.  I have had the pleasure of attending Relay For Life events across the United States and in Ireland.  Horseback riding is one of my favorite pastimes.  My name is Joleen Goss.  My friends call me Jo.

In 2001, I heard the words, “it’s ovarian cancer!” and my personal journey with cancer began. Each year I was doing an annual well woman exam. This time was different when a very large mass was found in my abdomen. After an appointment with a surgeon and more testing, surgery was schedule in 10 days. The mass had a different agenda. It ruptured in the middle of the night one week earlier than scheduled. The pain was so intense, I passed out from it.

Remembering the call to my mom to let her know the diagnosis was cancer. I wanted to be positive. So, that is how I told my mom and then the rest of my family. After surgery and starting chemotherapy, I had trouble sleeping. I would get on the computer to try to find articles to read . . . and there it was … the American Cancer Society. I wanted and needed to know more about the type of ovarian cancer that had been diagnosed with and removed from my body.

I was asked by one of the gals that worked in the oncology department if I would like to share my story at their Relay For Life kickoff. I jumped at the chance. I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with many family, friends, and acquaintances touched by cancer. We have shared our stories as survivors and caregivers. Many have become good friends. No matter what the cancer, you have a connection with others that have heard the same words, “it’s cancer.” Now let’s get out there and finish kicking cancer to the curb.

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