Campus RFL FTM Discount Days Social Media Assets
Tuesday, February 11th (Fund The Mission Day 1) Codeword, FUNDTHEMISSION Timeframe – National Discount Days will run from Midnight ET to 11:59PM PT Events that already have a higher registration
Need graphics for your local Social Media pages? There are images, videos, sample messages & stories available for you. Some are ready to use by downloading the image, others can be customized with local photos & messages using Canva.
Tuesday, February 11th (Fund The Mission Day 1) Codeword, FUNDTHEMISSION Timeframe – National Discount Days will run from Midnight ET to 11:59PM PT Events that already have a higher registration
Multiple options are available for the registration challenge. You can also utilize the recruitment assets with this suggested language. Several options are below. 🚨 2025 Relay For Life Challenge
Fund The Mission is a Campus Relay For Life fundraising challenge occurring February 11 – 13, 2025. Utilize these social media bingo boards to ask for donations during the 3
Fund The Mission (FTM) is an event that unites college and high school students across the country in friendly, competitive fundraising – to see who can raise the most money
Fund The Mission is a Campus Relay For Life fundraising challenge occurring February 11 – 13, 2025. Utilize these social media graphics with the below messaging. Option 1: Today’s the
Fund The Mission is a Campus Relay For Life fundraising challenge occurring February 11 – 13, 2025. Use these FTM Logos to create any of your own Social Media graphics
Gear Up, Get Ready: It’s coming! We are celebrating 40 years of Relay together on Saturday, January 11th for #RelayFirstLap. Join Relayers across the globe as we celebrate, remember, and
Grand Prize – Choice of one of three options RFL Inflatable Chair RFL Inflatable Arch & Dancing Man RFL New Branded Event Enhancement Package (Canopy Tent, 2 Table Covers, Sail
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