
Meet Our Voices


Michael Holtz

I joined my first Relay For Life in 1998, when I worked in the communications department for St. Mary’s Health System in Knoxville, Tennessee, which had a team and was

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Lori Kuhuski

My journey began a few days after returning from my honeymoon.  Going to the Doctor was not supposed to result in a trip to a specialist that tells you, “You

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Sara Thornburgh

My name is Sara Thornburgh.   I live in Lebanon, Tennessee.  I am a 42 year Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia survivor and a 5 time survivor of  Basal Cell Carcinomas. In 1981,

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Suzanne Horsley

My name is Suzanne Horsley.  My husband, David, and I live in Memphis, Tennessee.  I am a 11-year (2012) breast cancer survivor.   I am currently surviving and thriving. My breast

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