
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #ACSSurvivor2024

Dress Down for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

New in 2021! Denim Days Sponsored by Buckle is now a part of Relay For Life! Participants – past and new – can use this as an easy fundraiser!

How can you use this as a fundraiser?

  1. Download and use this flyer at your office, church, or group. It explains how someone can make a donation to your Relay For Life fundraising and be eligible to dress down, wear denim or maybe event get to opt out of using their videos on conferences for a day!
  2.  Use this sticker template. Once someone makes a donation – they can wear this sticker to show that they’ve donated and are eligible to participate.
  3. Use these zoom backgrounds. Once someone donates they can use these zoom images as they dress down, wear denim or just in place of using video for the day.
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