
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #Survivors4ACS. Visit Take Back Your Day to see how others are celebrating survivorship!

Did you know? Participants that connect a fundraiser on Facebook raise over $150 on average! Connecting your fundraiser to Facebook is an easy way to raise more money.  Need help promoting Facebook Fundraising? Here are some resources to help you!

Check out to find top Facebook Fundraisers. Did you know you can search for your event and see how much your event has raised on Facebook, the Facebook adoption rate and the average gift size?

Event Mangement Center

  • 2 Emails available: RFL Fundraising – Focus on Facebook Fundraising 1 & 2 (Sample content here)
  • Facebook Fundraising Report. 03 Participant Report gives details of who is fundraising on Facebook. 

Launch a Facebook Fundraising Challenge

Use the above resources to help promote a Facebook Fundraising Challenge.

Running a Challenge

Facebook challenge run-time should be a minimum of 72 hours.This gives time for people to create awareness and to spread the word.  

  • Suggested timing: 3-5 Days. If you want to make it longer than 5 days, then go ahead and make it a full week.  
  • Try to tie the challenge to a significant holiday, celebration, or personal connection—at the local level or broader. Having a specific focus could help people resonate more with your fundraiser.  For example: 
  • Looking relevant weeks or days: Holidays, National volunteer Week, Cancer Survivors month, etc. 
  • Local anniversaries, people you want to celebrate, or a meaningful topic close to your chapter/event 


How do you encourage people and teams to participate? Incentivize them with swag or recognition. Having a prize or recognition helps encourage people to work toward a goal that is more tangible. Here are examples of what kind of incentives you can offer: 

  • Recognition & Appreciation: Offer badges or awards to be shared at in-person events, social media, or other outlets 
  • Swag prizes: Offer Relay For life prize that you can source locally  
  • Get creative on the local level, offer things that are niche to that region  
  • Engage corporate sponsors for in-kind donations or coupons/discounts 

How to determine success?

When creating the challenge, you want to have criteria that can help you determine how best to judge a performance. We recommend doing it by highest amount fundraised, this is can be easily seen by all fundraisers on the local Relay page. Here are different examples on how to set up your incentives: 

  • Winner take all: Determine who raised the most money in the allotted time and they win whatever incentive you chose  
  • 1st, 2nd 3rd: You can have multiple prizes at different levels to recognize more people 
  • Threshold Goal: Any participant or team raises XX amount they all get an incentive, like a t-shirt for example 

Use EMC report: 03 Participant Report to see individual Facebook Fundraising performance.  If you are tracking how much is raised over a specific time period, be sure to pull the report immediately before the challenge begins.

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