
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #Survivors4ACS. Visit Take Back Your Day to see how others are celebrating survivorship!

Meet Our Voices

Lindsey Zahrte

My name is Lindsey Zahrte.  I live in Golden, CO, at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.  I am a wife, a boy mom, a first-grade teacher, a daughter, a friend, and a breast cancer survivor.

At the age of 40, my very first “routine” mammogram found my cancer and saved my life.  With no history of breast cancer or increased risk factors, I was diagnosed with stage 2, triple positive, invasive ductal carcinoma.  Since my diagnosis, I have had 6 rounds of chemotherapy, 14 immunotherapy treatments, 3 rounds of a bone strengthening infusion, 3 minor procedures and 4 surgeries.

In some ways I feel like a shell of the woman that I once was and in other ways I feel stronger than ever.  Cancer does not play games… but I have learned that neither do I.  After completing my treatment, I became involved with Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

Before being diagnosed, I never imagined that I would be one of the women wearing the pink survivor sash.  I was in awe of the strength that I saw in them, but I never thought that it could happen to me.  I was wrong.  Now, I am honored to walk alongside my sisters and brothers in pink.  I walk in support of the women and men who are currently in the trenches of a cancer fight.  I walk in honor of the people that cancer stole from us too soon.  I walk in recognition of the survivors that fought with every fiber of their being to hear the word “remission.”  I walk in gratitude for the caregivers that have had to watch their most precious people fight a cancer battle.  I walk in celebration of how far I have come and to show my boys the strength of their mom.  Most importantly, I walk and will continue to fight until 1 in 3 is none in 3.

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