
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #Survivors4ACS. Visit Take Back Your Day to see how others are celebrating survivorship!

Meet Our Voices

Michelle Berndt

Michelle Berndt lives in Midlothian, Texas with her husband, Dr. Stephen Berndt.  They have two children, Grayce and Tristan.  Michelle prays daily a cure will be found so that her children will grow up in a cancer-free world.  Michelle graduated from Kaplan University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare Administration.  She currently works for OneShare Health as their Vice President of Sales.

Michelle is a 4th generation late stage 2 breast cancer survivor and is a BRCA 2 gene carrier.  Michelle had a bilateral mastectomy in 2012 and was treated by several rounds of chemo and radiation.

Michelle has volunteered in the past with ACS Cancer Action Network, Making Strides for Breast Cancer and Relay For Life.  She currently serves as the Chair of the ACS Fort Worth Board of Directors and is on a mission to spread awareness nationwide.

Michelle lives a busy life.  When not volunteering, she enjoys public speaking, reading, the outdoors and is obsessed with traveling.  Her favorites memories are beating breast cancer with her mom two years a-part and their yearly family vacations.  Fun fact: the Berndts’ have 25 chickens, 3 dogs, 2 cats and a rabbit.  They love their zoo!

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