
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #Survivors4ACS. Visit Take Back Your Day to see how others are celebrating survivorship!

Meet Our Voices

Marina Posvar

Marina Posvar’s purpose and unrelenting passion to help patients and families with cancer grew from her personal experiences.  Marina is a 2x cancer survivor, starting with her first diagnosis as a young mother with children ages 3 and 5.

Marina started volunteering with the American Cancer Society (ACS) in 2003.   Through the years, she has held a number of roles.  She was honored (way back in the day!) as the Pennsylvania Volunteer of the Year while also being the recipient of the Fighting Spirit Award.  She remains involved with the ACS, supporting their mission to end cancer as we know it.  She currently leads a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer team.

Since 2006, she has been an active American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) Volunteer Lead Ambassador for the Pittsburgh, PA Congressional district.  Marina recently completed a 2-year term as the ACS CAN State Lead Ambassador for Pennsylvania.

Professionally, Marina works at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated comprehensive cancer center in Pittsburgh.  She has been at  UPMC Hillman Cancer Center since they opened in 2002.  She is the Patient Navigation Services Coordinator, guiding patients to services and support within the system and the community as their liaison and patient advocate.  She also manages the resource center which provides educational and supportive materials for cancer patients and families.

Marina is a long-time cancer survivor.   She is grateful to be a Voice for those that need a voice and to help others touched by this disease.

Marina lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  She is the proud mother of 2 fabulous grown sons with families of their own.   She is a blessed grandmother of 2 beautiful young grandchildren.

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