
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #ACSSurvivor2024

Fundraising Ideas Database

Social Media Garage Sale

Location: Virtual

Overhead Cost: $

Expected Return: $

Complexity: 1


Have you spent your time at home cleaning out your closets and playrooms? Post pictures of your items on social media account with a link to your participant page for donations! Purchases can be delivered and/or available via your porch or in the coming weeks.

Other Fundraising Ideas

Eating For a Cause

Coordinate with a bar or restaurant to co-host a regular or one-off happy hour or dinner where a portion of the evening’s sales go to your cause.

Pool Party

Kids and adults alike enjoy a chance to splash around with their pals in a pool and would pay a fair price to do so. Partnering with a public pool

Educational Clinic

Do you know an expert on a subject? Leverage their knowledge to host a clinic, conference or workgroup. Can even teach a craft’s class.

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