
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #ACSSurvivor2024

Fundraising Ideas Database

Push-Up Challenge

Location: In-Person

Overhead Cost: $

Expected Return: $$

Complexity: 1


Do you love to work out?

Combine that love with your love for raising money for the American Cancer Society. Use Social Media to invite your friends to join you in this virtual challenge from the comfort of their home or favorite gym. Can ask for straight donations or per push-up. Don’t forget to link your fundraising page.

Other Fundraising Ideas

Chili Cookoff

This is a great event to host at your office, by having your co-workers bringing their favorite dish. Charge a small fee at lunch to have them sample the dishes

Smash Room / Dish Smash

Collect old and chipped dishes your community no longer uses and hold a dish smashing event. It’s a wonderful way to let anger out!

Scavenger Hunt

This one takes a little bit of organizing, but if you can pull it off, there’s a lot of fun to be had. Social media can make scavenger hunts even

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