Social Media Asset Category: General Event

RFL Square/Profile Photos
Square profile photos adapted from the Campus Fund the Mission Challenge for local use.

Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back
Sample Post Copy: Join Relay For Life to celebrate all those united in the fight against cancer, and share the love for those we’ve lost. #RelayForLifeEVENTNAME

Relay Recruitment – Love, Strength, Fight
Sample Post Copy: It takes all of us to make a difference in the fight against cancer. Share the love for our community and sign up at #RelayForLifeEVENTNAME

RelayFirstLap Badges
Graphic to be used for content connected to Relay First Lap.

Relay For Life Anniversary Badges
Anniversary badges for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40-year anniversaries. NOTE: When using these badges, the full Relay For Life logo (with the ACS logo) must