Virtual Luminaria Bags & Tributes

Location: In-Person

Overhead Cost: $

Expected Return: $

Complexity: 2


Want a memorable way for your donors to honor friends and loved ones virtually? Use one of the links below to create a tribute which you can personalize and share on social media for the donor.

The donor can then tag and share the online post giving it new life.


Here are some luminaria templates to get you started!

Other Fundraising Ideas

Egg My Yard

Let children wake up on Easter morning to a yard filled with eggs. Take orders for candy-filled and/or sticker-filled eggs, in time for an Easter surprise. Let our “bunnies” do

Eating For a Cause

Coordinate with a bar or restaurant to co-host a regular or one-off happy hour or dinner where a portion of the evening’s sales go to your cause.

Car Wash

Looking for a classic and easy fundraiser? Pick a community car wash! People love to drive up and watch others work to wash their car. Also a great time to

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