
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #ACSSurvivor2024

Fundraising Ideas Database

Eating For a Cause

Location: In-Person

Overhead Cost: $

Expected Return: $$

Complexity: 2


Coordinate with a bar or restaurant to co-host a regular or one-off happy hour or dinner where a portion of the evening’s sales go to your cause.

Other Fundraising Ideas

Facebook Fundraising

Facebook Fundraising lets you supercharge your efforts by simplifying the way you raise money through your inspiring social posts. All the money you raise on Facebook will automatically be counted

Bake Sale

A bake sale is a sweet way to raise funds! Imagine tables filled with delicious homemade treats like cakes, cookies, breads, and pastries. Yum! To make your bake sale a

Hiking Day

We can all use more fresh air! Bring your donors on a hike or nature walk outside your town for a small fee.

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