
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #ACSSurvivor2024

Fundraising Ideas Database

Virtual Mother’s Day Tea

Location: In-Person

Overhead Cost: $$

Expected Return: $

Complexity: 2


Send an invitation and a donation card/self addressed stamped envelope along with a tea bag to women you think would enjoy a cup of tea and make a donation.
Check out an example of an invitation and donation card here.

Other Fundraising Ideas


Karaoke anyone? Have an open mic night or a full-on singing competition. Can charge per song, just to enter the competition, charge to dare someone to sing, or charge to

Beer Garden

Coordinate with a local brewery to co-host a happy hour where a portion of the sales go to ACS. The event can be decorated with lights, music, and games to

Trivia Night

People pay for trivia at bars and restaurants, so invite them to pay to play for Relay For Life. Consider adding some questions specific to cancer or your community for

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