
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #ACSSurvivor2024

Fundraising Ideas Database

Pie in the Face

Location: In-Person

Overhead Cost: $

Expected Return: $$

Complexity: 1


Have a donation deadline to make and need to raise money quickly? Set an amount, in a certain amount of time, and make your goal, you get “Pied”.

Partner with a friend and the one who raises the least, gets the Pie in the Face.

Other Fundraising Ideas

Facebook Fundraising

Facebook Fundraising lets you supercharge your efforts by simplifying the way you raise money through your inspiring social posts. All the money you raise on Facebook will automatically be counted

Virtual Trivia Night

Take your normal trivia night and turn it virtual! Host your same trivia night via an online video conferencing platform. Consider what each team or participant’s donation to your fundraising

Smash Room / Dish Smash

Collect old and chipped dishes your community no longer uses and hold a dish smashing event. It’s a wonderful way to let anger out!

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