3v3 Basketball Tournament

Location: In-Person

Overhead Cost: $$$

Expected Return: $$

Complexity: 3


Who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? Throw together a 3v3 basketball tournament at your local park, rec center or school and get the whole town involved!


Here’s how to get started and some helpful tips:

  • Send out flyers and a sign up link
  • Make sure to have plenty of refs and volunteers to keep track of the scores and brackets
  • Create a various number a brackets depending on how many teams you have sign up
  • Give part of the entry fee as a prize to the winning team

Other Fundraising Ideas

Dog Happy Hour

Ask your community to bring out their dogs for a happy hour for a reasonable entrance fee. Drinks, dogs, and donations, what more can you can you ask for!

Themed Office Party

Pick a theme (some examples include a beach party, a masquerade ball, or a tropical luau) and get your co-workers to meet up for a lunch supporting the American Cancer

Community Clean Up Day

Participants can ask for pledges for each bag of trash they collect as they walk around the community. Prizes can be offered for the individual or team that collects the

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