September Sock Challenge

All CGH, SER & SOR Making Strides participants who are signed up for their 2024 event and have raised $100 online from Sept 26th – Sept 29th will receive special Making Strides socks. THIS CHALLENGE IS NOT FOR RETROACTIVE DOLLARS, it is ONLY for dollars raised online during the challenge timeframe of Sept 26 – Sept 29, 2024.

Note – Only one pair of socks per fundraising participant. If participant qualified for socks in the August challenge, they are still eligible to win a second pair of socks if they raise the required $100 during the Sept challenge timeframe.

Eligible States
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Mississippi,  Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia

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